Anyone else a bit bored?

User Rating: 7.7 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 PS2
Being an ‘old school’ fanatic wrestling fan I love to see this updated v of RVS - The fact that Mr Perfect and Tazz are in the game blows my mind. There is also a bunch of great new features that have been added etc etc etc all the usual ... yeah? Now to the negative... disagree or agree with me that these games arn’t pushing any boundaries... its more or less the same old stuff... back in 1998 you should have seen the reviews wrestling games got... reviewers used to jump at the chance because it was such a laugh to put 0.2/10 as a score ..But these days wrestling games are becoming very close contenders for the number 1 slot of gaming charts for a month or so. What I would love to see... which was very badly attempted with legends of wrestling 1 and 2 – is a wrestling game(I already know the financial implications of a update via online of the rosters) but a game that is a amazing wrestling engine .. a updatable roster full of every single wrestler to ever wrestle for a major organisation – every single type of area and match (e.g. the good ole in your house) and yeah … there you have it .. Less of the improvements of making the females breasts a bit bigger... no need for sexual gratification from a game when you have the internet.

What’s that I hear you say? No profit to be made on a game like this? Maybe your right sir however right now I feel like we are paying these guys to sit on their ‘bums’ and put a few tweaks in here and there .. They want to show us there skills? We want to see em’...right now it’s only around 30% wrestling satisfaction. Push the boundaries and new doors open.

Raw v Smackdown 2008? I’ll still buy it... Just put macho-man as an unlockable – that’s 50% of your sales right there.