Why get this game.......Its so simple(it rockz)Read this Review and your gonna see why you must get this if you like....

User Rating: 9.6 | WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2006 (Platinum) PSP

THIS IS WHY I LOVE PSP....Comps. make great games like this one.
This is why i rate it a 9.5

Gameplay:10-This game was so awesome. it had all of the origanal game modes...Plus more!!!!New Modes. YOu are able to create entrances...
They even added an Arcade mode. That includes...Texas Hold' m Poker.....and more.(why buy a poker game. than an wrestling game when you get them both in this game?????)

Graphics:8- The Graphics were excellent. The Animations were great.
The mouth movement was great.Punch looked realistic.Kicks.Where Surperb.Grappling a person looked just as good as great as it would look on ps2.There was only 1 problem with the graphics.(That is why i rated it a 8)Is that the skins on the models irratated me.They weren't so great. And the shirts and clothing looked too flat.

Sound-10-The Sound WAs great.Action sounded surperb.The voices sounded great. Even the people talked during the cutscenes.All the sound was great.It even made the game more fun when the crowd would cheer for the wrestler they liked the most.

Everything else in the game was great, so don't rent it, but buy it!!!!