One of the better wrestling games out there and in some ways probably the best SmackDown! game.

User Rating: 8.8 | Exciting Pro Wrestling 5 (Limited Edition) PS2
WWE Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain is the fifth game in the acclaimed Smackdown series and this is quite possibly still the best one made.

The gameplay for this game is solid, it gives you a simple yet deep grappling system that allows you to easily execute some of your favorite moves that your favorite superstars pull off on the TV screen. There’s a healthy dosing a moves available at your disposal for each wrestler as well and even more to unlock in the WWE Shop giving one numerous possibilities for move set creations.

The graphics are very good, the character models are shiny and each wrestler looks strikingly close to it’s real life counterpart. Only knock is that the create-a-wrestler models tend to look a little bland when compared to the actual superstars.

The sound is decent, nothing spectacular but nothing to really gripe about. There is no commentary or voice-overs but maybe that’s a good thing…

The replay value for this game is quite good. The season mode is fairly engaging and you can play through it many times over to see what new storylines and such you can get. There are also quite a few things to unlock through season mode such as new characters and arenas. Also the roster for this game is superb, a wrestling fan’s dream with the likes of Steve Austin, Goldberg, Undertaker, The Rock and Triple H. One of my favorite wrestling games that should give you a solid amount of enjoyment for many years to come. Not quite as incredible as No Mercy on the N64 but it’s definitely up there.