WWE Smackdown! HCTP is the best of the series .

User Rating: 9.2 | Exciting Pro Wrestling 5 (Limited Edition) PS2
This game is amazing . HCTP has a humongous roster of characters , each one having a unique move-set . From Goldberg to Lesnar to Cena to Mysterio , they're all there . Then , there are a variety of match types , and I think it was in this game they introduced the Elimination chamber match for the first time . Other match-types include Royal Rumble match , Lumberjack match , B&P match { hehe } , and many more . This is all you need to keep you and your friends entertained for hours , and if you have a multi-tap , you're gonna have even more loads of fun .

Then there is the season mode . The season mode is the best part of the game but there are no voice-works for the characters and although that does'nt bring the game down or anything , it could've been a great addition . The PPV match hypes are terrible , believe me , and it seemed like the developers came up with that half-baked idea in 5 seconds , but you bear that .

WWE Smackdown! HCTP is the best of the series , and no wrestling fan must miss this game ..... unless you don't have a PS2 .