Still the best of the Smackdown series.

User Rating: 9.7 | Exciting Pro Wrestling 5 (Limited Edition) PS2
No other game in the Smackdown series can beat this game, and quite frankly none have even come close. Here's why.


Here Comes The Pain had many improvements from the previous installment (Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth) and most, if not all, were for the better. For starters this game introduced the method of using a directional button with the grapple, so you could pull of dozens more moves than before. New grapple moves included quick, power, submission and signature depending on which directional button you pressed while grappling. Also, the relatively simple method of pressing the square button to reverse grapples and strikes was given an overhaul, introducing the L2 and R2 system that's still used to this day. Submissions now used a meter to determine how close you were to tapping out, which involved endless amounts of button mashing. Overall gameplay was near perfect.


Graphics are almost perfect in this game, from facial expressions to tattoos on wrestlers. The crowd still look a little flat, but overall there's nothing much to complain about. Moves look nice when executed, and I don't think any glitches are present during a match at all.


Yukes and THQ removed and commentary and voice overs in the game, which in my opinion was a blessing. I hate the fact that recent Smackdown games have these features included, as they take up a fair bit of space on the PS2 disk when it could be used for far better features. Here Comes The Pain did just that - it had a fantastic season mode that hasn't been matched since in my opinion and included a grand total of 62 Superstars. Most have their own entrance themes, although the legends don't which is a shame.


Well, this game is over three years old now and I've seen it in stores for around the £15 mark, so if you don't own it already I highly recommend picking it up. Here Comes The Pain is better value than handing over £30+ for Smackdown vs RAW 2007 in my opinion.