Here Comes The Pain has come full-circle and established itself as the top game in the series.

User Rating: 9.5 | Exciting Pro Wrestling 5 (Limited Edition) PS2
I purchased the PS2 solely for Shut Your Mouth and because I knew Here Comes The Pain was going to be released, I was not disappointed. I own and/or have played nearly every WWE/WWF and WCW game known to mankind and not one has given me near as much enjoyment as HCTP has. I could dig out my Playstation 2, plug in HCTP and have as much fun as I would with a recent game showcasing better graphics, more intricate controls and smoother frames. At the end of the day, it's the game play which counts and HCTP I feel like comes the closest any wrestling game has to masterdom.

I'll never forget an immaculate Last Man Standing contest I had with Brock Lesnar (me) versus Kane. It felt so realistic on the Legend difficulty. As every wrestling fan does, I was commentating the match in a poorly done Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler voice, nearly losing my voice when I was about to F-5 Kane on the announcer's table. He made a Herculean come back towards the end but a Choke slam counter into a second F-5 secured my victory. Poetry in motion!

Let's take a look at the quick facts:-

The graphics are inferior to recent games but satisfying enough to not deduct enjoyment. Career mode hasn't been topped since. Storylines which draw you in and get you excited about the upcoming battle at the pay-per-view. Quantity in both the roster and match types, the sound does a satisfactory job but I wouldn't expect too much more. Control scheme is simple and really effective. Wrestling game controls shouldn't be convoluted and overdone.

If, you get tired of playing with the vast roster, the create-a-player feature will keep you enthralled for hours. I was inspired by other gamers to create a fantasy league with characters like Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Spiderman, Elvis Presley, Jack Sparrow and many more. Like any wrestling fan, your imagination is key. Building something like this really engages you as the use of titles and great selection of arenas, can replicate a real federation.

When you hear people say this is the best wrestling game ever, they are most likely telling the truth. It's a bizarre thought to think that the best wrestling game ever made was more than 5 years ago, especially when there has been such an influx of games since. It just goes to show the developers, time, effort and care will translate into a magnificent wrestling game. It's become such a trend to slap together an updated roster, slightly modified control system and sharper graphics and whack it on the shelves. They'll attract fans either way, but sooner or later, they'll repel the true fans who will fall back on the games which satisfy. I'm one of them, and will stay one until a game better than this is released.