The best sequal ever!!!

User Rating: 9.6 | WWE Day of Reckoning 2 GC
When I heard Day of Reckoning 2 was coming out, I was pumped. Since Day of Reckoning was so awesome I thought it was gonna be awesome too and guess what, it was. To start this review off, this game was easy like the previous one. Don't worry it's still long but it's not that hard. The learning curve for this game was like an hour like most wrestling games. You know because you have to learn all of the controls, grapples, and moves. I spent up to 100 or more hours playing this game to date. It's just that once you start playing you get hooked on this game very easily, I remember that I played this straight through the night because I kept saying just until this fight is over. The game play for this game like the previous was amazing, the whole story and everything in the game made the game play amazing. The graphics for this game were better than the previous game but they were still not better then up date games for the PS2. The sound was great for this game, but the price was the same as last time. Even though $50 is big it's still a fair amount of money for this phenomenal game. I classified this game as a masterpiece(no pun intended) because I thought this game was like priceless piece of art.