If you're a WWE fan or a fan of Wrestling Games, you'll love this!

User Rating: 9.5 | WWE '12 X360
Well, here we go again. Another year, another WWE game from THQ.

I'll be honest, I've owned every wrestling game on the 360, PS2 and Nintendo 64 since Wrestlemania 2000 (I also owned WWF Warzone before THQ got involved). And, every year I always look forward to seeing what the new game brings. However, in recent years I've been getting slightly disappointed with the new content and the so called "updated features". We keep getting promised the World and getting a handful of Earth instead.

However, WWE 12 has finally rekindled my love of the WWE franchise so much so that I've gone back to watching the actual WWE programmes. Everything I actually wanted out of a WWE game has been brought in and brought in in fantastic style. Sure, you're still limited with moves and you will find yourself using your same 4 strong grapples over and over again and the problems with the dodgy commentary still rear their ugly heads (e.g. King: And we know what time it is... Cole: King, what do you think Cena's thinking coming into this match? King: Well, he's just come off a big... 5 Knuckle Shuffle).

But, so much makes up for that. Between fantastic graphics, amazing creation features and probably the best story mode to date, not to mention brilliant animations and the WWE universe mode finally works with more than just the same 4 cinematics playing over and over again (however, if you choose to interfere in a match, you do tend to get the same referee knockdown over and over again), WWE 12 is a crowning achievement in the WWE gaming crown and a must have for Wrestling fans, Gamers and a mixture of the 2 combined.

So, to sum up in 1 sentence? This is WWE 12, and it's AWESOME!!!