Amazing in every aspect it has, except of course for some imperfections.

User Rating: 9 | WWE '12 PS3
I've been a huge fan of the series since the PS2 games, and a fan of the game and show for as long as I can remember.

It may not be the best in the series but it holds more than enough to keep me hooked and playing till the sun rise up.

Substantially I'm still thirsty, still hungry and still anticipating so much more than what they initially offered. The game boasts a lot of customizable stuff from superstars, divas, entrance, finishers, arenas, logos etc. I for one am looking for a customizable championship belt including but not limited to the same capabilities the old game has about belts, together with the prestige and stuff.

Another one is the modes, WWE Universe is great and all, it is fun, it is progressively active, if you're a WWE fan as well other than the game, the rivalry is there, but with all that, if it was possible for them to put General Manager Mode somewhere in there, it could have been more fun and so much more addicting.

Road to WrestleMania (RTWM) is fun, it holds a great story, but that's it, it is almost as linear as an RPG, which is, true enough, like an RPG. However this is not just a role playing game, this is a sports entertainment game, so just like other sports game, it is fun if you could create a player/superstar and create your own destiny by playing on the ranks, making different decisions that will shape the story and history of your own superstar. It may need a lot so it is understandable that this would be a bit too much to ask, but if given the chance, I'd buy that game in a heartbeat.

A lot of other stuff comes into mind about the game's lack of substance but those are just wishful thinking. So let's just tackle what the game has to offer.
I talked about the WWE Universe and RTWM as well as the create modes so there's much about it, the other one is online mode. So far my experience in the online mode, is not that great, its hard to find an online person to go up against (mine is R3) I guess it maybe just because of the time because of work but so far its good and all, playable and after the patch its a bit better.

Now lets see the graphics, the game's graphics are not that perfect but is great and all. The superstars are captured nicely, moves executed to almost good precision, and the addition of the "wake up taunt" and "comeback" adds great drama to an already story driven series/game.

The controls are also great, it is responsive enough that if played by two great players you will see a great and evenly matched fight. The sound is great but the commentators Jerry the King Lawler and Michael Cole's script are so last year with only some if not few additions. The music this year is good, but I like the old ones better.

So all in all, I highly recommend this to anyone who is looking for a great multiplayer game, or even a solo game that will give you accomplishments/trophies to brag around. To all the WWE fans out there this is not something you should miss. Where else could our wish be granted as well as Cena's wish to see the Rock come to Raw every week to brawl, not just for promoting a new movie?