While there is still much improvement to be made, WWE 12 is the best wresting game EVER.

User Rating: 8.5 | WWE '12 X360
Make no mistake about it: WWE 12 has many flaws. Graphics are hit and miss, presentation at times is less than accurrate, animations still need work, controls could still be a bit better, and the roster feels somewhat incomplete. But three things make this game the best ever: the experience is authentic, the game is loads of fun, and it's easy to play.
What I mean by authenthic is almost everything is accurrate. Each wrestler's specific moves are all here. And unlike past games, they are easy to execute. Ring entrances are spot on, the commentary is actually good, and tv style camera angles make it look like the real thing.
The computer AI is also improved, making you work for your wins. WWE Universe mode is awesome as well. So while people are complaining about Road to Wrestlemania, there is so much to do, you really don't have to play the mode to enjoy the game.
As I've mentioned, there is much work to do, but I believe this is a great start for what could be a great franchise in the near future. If you love the WWE, then you will love this game. And that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so!!!