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User Rating: 6.5 | WWE '12 PS3
I have all the WWE games in the series and I have to say what I heard about WWE 12 I was really looking forward to it but after I got realised not much has improved they said that it was going to be the best looking and most realistic WWE game well it isn't they said they would improve the grapple system they haven't one thing that annoyed me in the past is when they changed the grapple system to the analogue stick but in this on e the grapple system doesn't work I thought they would have went back to the old grapple system on the ps1/ps2 but they haven't when you grapple someone and you think you are doing a power bomb it does something completely different so the grapple system has got worse also what is up with the running attack it Triple H running knee was always one of the best moves in the game to get your enemy to the floor quickly now half the time is doesn't even work.

One of the good point are create arena is really detailed and does look very cool when you design an arena from scratch and it is very easy to do.

The online has improved when you are playing and lets say its a triple threat and in the past if one played disconnects that's it over well now if a player disconnects they turn into a computer opponent witch is awesome for ranking.

Overall with its flaws I do still play in small doses but THQ need to improve the grapple system and why not bring back create a title for online it was a great idea in one of the old WWE game (before online) so why not introduce it they need to do some big improvements for the next one as I still don't think its the best WWE game buy far but will still play it.