A boring Police Job advert

User Rating: 1 | World's Scariest Police Chases PS
This is just about the most dreary toned, unexciting games I've seen. It can only be said it was a gift and not bought with my own money (or maybe even owning it is bad enough)!

It is basically a riding-in-the-back-of-a-squad-car feel game, where you're learning about the routine police go through, but with anything but the rush that being in actual situations cops are in has. You'll have little or no excitement going through the stages and more-or-less no sense of satisfaction when the game is complete. There are some challenging levels, but they are less a challenge and more of an annoyance. There are chases and others that involve shooting the "suspect" to a halt, but it in the most unsatisfactory shoot out a game could.

All in all, you'll regret it, or think less of how exciting being a cop is, so if you want to know what being a cop is like, request to ride in the squad car for a day, but do yourself a favour and keep away from this. If you get it, it will line the bottom of your review table.