Stab yourself in the eye - it will give you more pleasure than playing this game!

User Rating: 1 | World Poker Championship PC
This is positively the worst piece of poker software that I have ever seen. Ever. It seems to have been written by someone with only the vaguest notion of the *rules* of poker, never mind anyone who actually knows how to play the game well. If only Valusoft had tested their software for half an hour on a decent Texas Hold 'em poker player they might have realised basic stuff about the rules like: The big blind should get to bet when everyone checks (s/he doesn't in this game), not everyone shows their cards after every hand (they do in this game), etc. etc.

Given that the authors don't understand the rules of poker, it's not surprising that the "advanced poker AI" is just laughable. The computer players are just dumb and boring - they are very conservative and will mostly fold when bet at *except* pre flop when they will call almost any amount (irrespective of your previous behaviour or how much money is already in the pot); so the authors had no clue about what ingredients make for intelligent poker play (e.g. calculation of pot odds, opponent modelling etc.)

Overall this is just a cyncical attempt by Valusoft to cash in on the poker craze and steal your money. Don't let them away with it! Do NOT buy this game!! You have been warned!