so youve mastered azeroth challenges and dungeons but now the dark portal opens and the world of outland unveils itself.

User Rating: 10 | World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade PC
Just when you think the adventrue is done it continues. WOW BC is an awesome expansion pack. It allows you get to go through the dark portal and enter the new continent, outland. Outland is the reamins of draenor after it was torn apart you can see old heroes from wc2 and wc2's expansion beyond the dark portal. You can go to outland at level 58. Outland's regions are hellfire penninsula, zangarmarsh, terrokar forest, nagrand, blades edge mountains, netherstorm, and shadowmoon valley. Basically in the Burning Crusade players must fight the burning legion in outland. The legions forces in outland are led by illidan and doom lord kazzak.

The burning crusade also has features for new players the first thing is the 2 new races the draenei and the blood elves. The draenei are alliance and the blood elves are horde. There also 2 new low level zones for the new races azuremyst isle levels 1-10 and bloodmyst isle levels 10-20 for draenei and eversong woods levels 1-10 and ghoslands levels 10-20 for blood elves. There is also a new level 70 zone in azeroth which is isle of conquest which has level 70 dungeon and raid. The raid is the home of kiljaeden himself. There is also the new jewelcrafting profession. Players can see a lot of new raids aimed at level 70s. There is a new bg, the eye of the storm. There two new world bosses doom lord kazzak and doomwalker. when players reach level 60 the can get expert riding and get a flying mount when you get to level 70 you can get artisan riding and get and epic flying mount. These are great investments since it sves you money so you dont have to use flightmasters and pay fees. This expansion is awesome this is an example of why wow is so popular because blizzard has executed this flawlessly.