Great game but its still just a game

User Rating: 9 | World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King PC
I really only started playing WOW when the WOTLK expansion came out. Which from what ive seen on the previous expansions, that's a good thing. Had i started when the game first started i probably would have stopped playing very quickly. Its not that it was a bad or boring game, it was how frustratingly annoying it was. You would get a quest (mission is a better term) that was kind of hard/annoying but no big deal. Then you get another 1 that's just a little worse and the 2nd one. You keep on doing it because you want whats at the end of the quest chain. Then by the time you finish your about to throw you monitor out the window. When you first start the quest chain, it seems like its 3-4 quests long so no big deal but in reality its more like 15 quests long. Not to mention it might end up sending you all over the game world, which is not a small place. That is NOT FUN, that is how you make people go crazy. The warlock and paladin class mount (its basically a horse) quest chain is the best example of that ive seen. I ran into similar quest chains but not that bad but still quite annoying. Im glad they stopped this, with the BC and the wotlk expansions. In terms of game-play its very simple, if you've ever played diablo its a lot like that. You get new ability by leveling up and you level up by getting exp. You get exp by killing monsters and other things that need to die or by completing quests. Leveling gets progressively harder the higher you are and takes more exp. The weird thing about this is it only gets harder until you hit the bc expansion. You'll probably die if 3 guys attack you but then you hit bc and you can kill that many with no problems. Leveling took me a while about a year to hit 80 but i took my time. well i also did not play every day. you could probably level your first character in 5 months give or take a month depending on how much you play. Whats funny is i hit level 70 (max level with bc) 2 days before wotlk was released. I wasn't to worried about getting it i was going to do some of the bc 70's stuff but the day wotlk came out that area was completely empty. So i had to get it to have people to do stuff with because at that level you can't kill anything in a dungon without help. If you've ever played a Zelda game (the temples) that's basically a dungeon in wow. Therese 2 types of dungeon, a dungeon and a raid. a dungeon you can do with 5 people and a raid you need 10 or more. Raids are much harder and require lots of team work and planning. I have a lot of fun in raids but you might be spending a few hours in 1 but its fun most of the time. You get armor and other desirable items from killing a boss. Now for the crazy people that make everyone who plays wow look crazy. 3 days after wotlk came out i saw people at level 80. This might not seem that bad until you realize there isn't enough time to get to 80 in 3 days unless you didn't sleep. it took me a month to go from 70-80 and i put a pretty good amount of effort into it. Then ive seen people go from level 1-80 in a month i don't know about you but i would go insane if i did that. When i was leveling i was also enjoying myself playing wow. I have seen people with 8+ level 80's while i have 3 and that took me a while. Remember the raids, well ive seen guilds (clans) that do it 7 days a week for who knows how long, there fun but not that fun. Unlike a lot of wow players i have found myself with nothing to do or not wanting to play it, i also read books and go outside. I also enjoy talking with people in the game but usually they don't talk. One thing i really hate is you'll make a joke about something in wow and no one will get it or they take you serious and get mad. Then you have turbo tanks, (the tank is the guy who gets the bad guys attention in a dungon so the damage people don't get attacked) which are by far the most annoying thing. Here's the speeds of tanks in wow, slow methodical , good pace waits for ppl to get ready, fast but still waits, really fast but you can keep up, super fast your falling behind sometimes and suicidally fast tank hes not looting you fell behind every fight your about to kill him. So its a good game but some people take it to far.