I got accused of being a WOW fanboy... gotta straigten this out.

User Rating: 9.1 | World of Warcraft PC
Okay, so first off I don't take kindly to being called a fanboy.. thems fighting words ya hear. World of Warcraft is.. a good game. It's not poorly done as some other MMORPG's or those who attempt to be one. It's production values are through the roof, there is more detail in one town in this game, than other games entire continents. DETAIL is the key here folks. Thats why this game is good. Lots of details keep me happy. The Gameplay is very straight forward. You see an exclamation point you get a quest, you solve the quest and get your reward. But, this is pretty much all you do. Go here.. do this... collect this many of that. It gets boring after awhile. A good aspect of this game, if you like to... is level up fairly quick. Without to much effort too. However, again this is something that gets boring after awhile. I love the immense amount of quests but it can become to much to worry about and strive for, while letting the better aspects of the game (Detail), get lost in the translation. Anywho, I did enjoy the game,... for my free month.