If you're looking for a Real Time Strategy in all the words, you must play this

User Rating: 10 | World in Conflict (Collector's Edition) PC
Masterpiece, that's the exact word to describe this RTS. I feel all this years I was playing anything except RTS games (And I have a lot in my list). This is because Strategy is on the table in this game. If you really want to know how it feels to be in war, World In Conflict must be your choice. From it's gamplay to the best graphics in RTS I've ever seen, this must be THE game of the Year (including Crysis :) ). Good work SIERRA and MASSIVE ENT. This game Rocks. A 10 for everything, from single play to multiplayer, be in war wiht your friend and scream victory or "I need help" really is what I need for a long time.