As far as sports games on the game gear go - good lucky trying to find anything much better than this.

User Rating: 8 | World Cup USA 94 GG
As far as sports games on the game gear go - good lucky trying to find anything much better than this.

Looking back I didnt realize just how many soccer (football) games there were for the game gear, but this had to be the best of the group.

Despite a lack of explaining controls/menus the game is easy to pick up and start playing...although the game is really a basic game featuring a run, pass and shoot system. There are no elaborate plays or anything of the sort and that helps the game be very accessible.

The crowd noise is awesome, the ref images and card system is really solid and makes sense.

Penalty kicks were fun and there was a training mode which was a series of skill tests which was pretty unheard of for game gear gaming.

In the end soccer fans should have ran to their stores to play this game - best in a wide variety of soccer games hands down.