Good game but....

User Rating: 7 | Wolf Team PC
The things I like about this game is that the controls are easy to use, the ability to change into a werewolf makes the game stand out in my book, the maps are fun I especially like the Arrival map where you are fighting on top of a sky scraper. The different game mods are a plus as well. I like the knife mod and the destruction s2 mod. Now I don't like the idea that if you spend a lot of aeria points or real money, you really can't play the game. A lot of these aeria point junkie's will spend like crazy to make their character some sort of superman. Making the game harder to play if your a serious gamer and hate losing. Also the money in the game is harder to come by, You can play for hours like I do and only get around 3k. Now would I replay the game? of course the game is pretty fun when the people you play with don't go on some crazy spending spree.