If you can't think of any other game to get for your psp and you like to race, you should really get this game...

User Rating: 9.2 | Wipeout Pure PSP
My review has 2 version within itself the "quick version" and the detailed version. The quick version will just give you... a quick review and tell all you really need to know. The detailed version will give you a more detailed review for those who are having seconds thoughts about whether to get this game or not or for those you like a detailed review.

>>>>"quick review":

This game is simply great. It has wonderful graphics, but a few occasional framerate problems. It has many vehicles in the game and more that you can download. It has a lot of varying beautiful levels and many that you can download as well. Tournaments, races, time trials, free play, multiplayer, it's all there. The only problem someone might come across while playing this game is that some people find it hard. It will seam even harder to some people if you don't really like racing games because you will play it less which will not help you improve your skill. So to sum it up. Wipeout pure is a great game and if you can't think of any game to get and you at least kind of like racing game, you should really think about picking this game up. Note: I might be a special case, but this is the only racing game I bought besides "CTR" for the ps1 and I loved it. I have become really good at it and have spent more time on this game than any other (around 60 hours)


-Gameplay: The gameplay is great. You drive in these different jet like vehicles like you can see on the cover of the game. The vehicles vary enough for you to be satisfied in most cases (especially including the secret vehicles) You have a variety of weapons such as autopilot, bombs, missiles, speed boosts, shockwaves, etc...j Everything you would probably expect but nothing more. You can also can chose to absorb your weapons to increase your health. This can add a new level of strategy because you can chose a vehicle with better speed and handling but less health. You also get multiplayer, races, tournaments, really long tournaments (a downloadable one which has 12 races in it :?), time trials, free play and a special mode called zone. All I'll tell you about "zone" is that when you play it and get good at it, you usually tend to zone out in the game and get "into the zone" gaming wise. But!!!! Some people might find the racing a bit repetitive and/or hard. Especially if you don't really like racing. Though if you like speed and your first impression of this game was good or great, you will most likely not have this problem...

The graphics are great, some the levels in this game are so beautiful that you really just want to stop your vehicle, position it and look at the scenery around you. The vehicles look really nice too. Sometimes you just want to drive a certain vehicle because it looks so cool. There are 18 vehicles in the game including the downloadable ones and the secret ones. (There are only 8 in the beginning of the game)

The sound track this game has is almost perfect for racing. Very techno but it varies. In total there must have been at least 2 hours of hi-fidelity race music you can listen to in this game. Though some songs can be not that great and some can be repetitive. There aren't many songs with real lyrics but that's usually a good thing. The sound of racing and bombs and everything is great too. -Value:
With all the levels, types of play, and downloads. It is very easy to spend 30-45 hours on this game. Especially if you are trying to get every gold medal there is to get (284) There are also a total 28 levels. This game easily gets a 10 in value. (I think the people who said they spent 100+ hours on this game were lying, I've spent more time on this game than any other psp game I have and I only have spent 60 hours on it. Plus, I've had this game since launch)

With this games great gameplay, great graphics, great sound and great value, it easily gets a 9 in the tilt. Though not a 10 because it does have it's few minor flaws.

(total number of words in review: 745)