Played it in 3D and it's jaw dropping - highly recommended

User Rating: 9 | Wipeout HD PS3
what can I say other than the above - played this game on a Panasonic 42GT20B. Yes it is hard, and yes there are probably faults, but I was to busy being impressed with the beauty of it.
It was like starring at a beautiful girl and actually pulling her; your mates are telling you all her faults, but you don't give a flying fig because she is "well fit". This game is well fit, and you wont hear a bad word said about it like me

If you haven't played this game in 3d, then you simply haven't played the game and your view doesn't matter - I wont hear anything bad said about this game.

It has got sound, and apparently you can customise track lists etc, but frankly I haven't tried playing with any of that other than to switch the speakers on and just star in amazement - and then I managed to find the cockpit camera, and it was like I'd found the sequel or sexy twin sister to continue the metaphor. It was like a new experience taking things to a new level and all of a sudden it's 2 days later and your starving because you haven't eaten and look in the mirror to find yourself looking like you've had an all weekender