User Rating: 2.5 | Winter Olympic Games: Lillehammer '94 SNES
Winter Olympics for SNES is a mediocre game at best. This game takes the setting of the Lillehammer Olympics in 1994. It is a game with a lot of options, but the level of difficulty makes the game less enjoyable. With a multitude of olympic type games, this one falls low on the list because of its shoddy gameplay and average graphics. Gameplay: 2/10 The nice thing about the game is that you have 10 events to chose from. I highly recommend practicing the events before enganging in the actual competition. The game manual suggests for most of the events that you just press your buttons fast for speed. And really, this all that this game comes down to... or at least it should. There is very little control over what goes on. I tried numerous times at each event and never got good at any of them. The easist events are the bobsled and luge, which is basically press fast and steer. But what is silly is.... both events are basically the same thing! The only difference is that in bobsled the graphics show two people. The worst event is the downhill skiing... the steering is actually backwards! And the turns are so sharp that it is hard to prevent yourself from hitting the trees and being disqualified. In the end, the gameplay left me frustrated with my inability to do anything when all the while the computer players did just fine... surprise surprise. Graphics: 3/10 The graphic quality is weak. The game starts out promising with well drawn cartoon characters animated on your screen. Even the menus seem well drawn. The exception to that is that unless you have a good feel for what events exist, the little symbols won't mean much to you. But where this game really takes a graphic dive is during the events, which of course is where you spend most of your time. The drawings are not detailed. The colors are drab. And the animation is jumpy. There are only so many frames between player locations that the animation between moves (for example with ski jumping) that it looks very jumpy. Sound: 5/10 Ah! Sad when the sound is the best part of the game, especially when the sound is really not much to cheer about. The background music should have taken music from the Olympics, but apparently they failed to get that license. But still, the music is not bad. It is really only transitional between events. During events the sound effects are minimal, except for when you finish your event which includes crowd cheers... or you fail, in which case you get booed. I got booed a lot. Reviewer's Tilt: 2/10 This is the worst winter sports game I've ever played. It is just not playable because it is so hard. The graphics make it all the worse and it really is not worth the time to play.