One of the best movie licensed games for the NES.

User Rating: 8.2 | Willow NES
Games based on movies have a long and glorious history of being terrible. Developers slap on the game's license on a weak game and hope it sells. Every once in a while though a developer comes along and puts some real effort into the game. Willow for the NES was one of the first times that happened.

The game shares the same plot from the movie, Willow must save a child destined to overthrow an evil sorcesses, though it takes several liberties. If you were a fan of the movie you'll be pleased with the general story.

The gameplay is quite good and where Willow shines. It's very similiar to The Legend of Zelda in terms of combat and how items are used. However it takes the basic Zelda idea and adds a few new things. Willow can equip new swords and armor as he progresses and gets stronger. Magic also plays a role in this game giving you one more way to battle enemies.

Aesthetically the game holds up well. The music is okay, though generally forgettable. Still everything looks good, and the portraits of character you meet are done very well by NES standards. Due to the game's license, this probably isn't a game we'll see come to the VC. It's a very good ame all the same though, and if you're able to track down an actual cartridge copy of the game it'll be worth your time to play, fan or the movie or not.