Amazing Game! Love the interface, but graphics is not what I expected.

User Rating: 8.5 | Wild ARMs: Crossfire PSP
I love turn-based strategy games! This game reminded me so much of Final Fantasy Tactics wherein you are in a "grid-type" of map and there is a class system available.

Each character has his/her own "job" or "class",as you may call it. But the character can chose from different classes such as Elementalist or Gadgeteer and more. I haven't seen the other classes, though, if there are any but I really liked the game. Although I am not yet at the middle of the game, I can say that Wild Arms XF is a promising game.

I learned to like this game even though it's interface was not entirely original or unique. This game still features its classical "original" or "mystic" command that every Wild Arms game features. I would recommend this game if the player loved or liked games such as Final Fantasy Tactics, Disgaea and other similar tactical games.