Best SRPG on PSP so far

User Rating: 9.5 | Wild ARMs: Crossfire PSP
Bet that got your attention! I would consider this the best one so far folks... this is a perfect example of reviewers being out of touch with what gamers want... something NEW once in a while... It has just enough nostalgia mixed with new classes and a great HEX system.

Also, the battle difficulty is just right. Anyone that says XF is frustrating could simply put time into free battles to increase party and class strength before the next story battle.

Many reviewers are just sad that FFT and Disgaea got owned by such a great SRPG! Sorry but this is going to hold a crown for me until something really stellar comes along. I love the combo of the story, classes and challenge in this game that many are just not showing these days.

God forbid that a game make us sweat a little. Some gamers still buy their SRPGs for a challenge. Myself included.


Great sound including Jpn and Eng voice overs wonderful music

Amazing art and graphics. Great classes and skills.

and most importantly a challenge. All together a recipe for win.