Wii Play comes with a wii remote so it is basically $10, but not a great game.

User Rating: 5.6 | Hajimete no Wii (w/Remote) WII
Wii Play consists of nine very unique mini-games, shooting range, find mii, table tennis, pose mii, laser hockey, billiards, fishing, charge and tanks!. But the only one that sticks out is a remake of atari's combat, tanks! The controls in every game are very basic making the game good to learn the wiis control. If you are just looking for a game, i don't reccomend it, but if you need a new wiimote, definately pick it up! Wii play just doesn't live up to its package. If Wii Play came with no Wii-mote and was a full price game, there is no way you should buy this.