Its limited features will make you regret buying it after a week.

User Rating: 6 | Wii Music WII
Wii Music was one of the most hyped games of the last months. It does bear the "Touch Generation" blood, and the family fun is kinda granted. However (there's always a "however"), that doesn't mean you'll have fun forever with it. Something that really caught my attention was the fact that the game doesn't have a "free play" mode. You can't create your own music, you're always bound to the few available songs. Let me put it like that: I wanted to play Harry Potter's theme song on it, so I chose Swan Lake and simply played HP's song on it. It would be great if even that was possible. The game changes the notes according to the chosen song, so even if you play with the right timing, it won't be the way you wanted it to be.

On the other hand, being able to build any song of the list with the instruments you want and then record a video is amazing. I myself have recorded about four different versions of The Legend of Zelda and all of them are different.

You may want to innovate, making something like a flute solo or anything like that, but just don't step too far from the notes line or you won't have a nice result.

Well, if you're rich and buy every single game you see, buy it. If you aren't, think twice.