Overall, it failed miserably. I hope that this is not what the developers had in mind when they decided to create this.

User Rating: 3 | Wii Music WII
A good idea with no substance, this was more of a developers game into a genre that is hard to break into right now. Rock band and Guitar Hero have set the standards pretty high and people will not accept anything less. Having several different instruments to play is a different idea, but I could possibly teach a new-born puppy to play this game in a couple of weeks. Not much of a learning curve at all. The developers of this game should definitely go back to the drawing board and change the price or maybe make it a game for the VTech motion or something. Great game for someone maybe 3-9 years old. I want to make that suggestion to the game makers for this game or any others just like it, take that approach PLEASE!!!!!!!!! Just target a smaller (younger) audience that will find the game fun because it could also be used as a learning tool.