
User Rating: 7.5 | Wii Music WII
As one of Nintendo's rabbid fans, I thought I would chainsaw this game into a billion pieces. But surprisingly, Wii Music passes the Cloudkirby test, with hovering colors.

Tonight, Cloudkirby has a good time with Wii Music.

This review will go a little differently, instead of looking at the game as a stand alone, I am going to compare it to Rockband, a game I reviewed last night.

With Rockband, it was a simple course in following instructions. "Press the colorful buttons and hit the strum bar when the notes hit the slots", wash, rinse, repeat. With Wii Music, it lets you choose a song, an instrument, then sits back and watches to see what you do. The overall result is something that can best be described as, "More fun than the gameplay in Rockband". This is the kind of freedom I like in games, playing my music, my way. I also like how it used a list of songs I actually freakin' knew, instead of a bunch of rock ballads out of pure obscurity.

There are 50 songs, and more than 50 instruments, So song customization is like ordering a sub at subway AKA Awe-inspiring. You make your song, instrument by instrument,running through a song a number of times, each with a different instrument; you can then save your cover, and watch it over and over again, depending on how good you are.

It's this type of freedom in a music game, I have been looking for. Obviously, fans of Rockband and Guitar Hero are going to hate this for it's lack of challenge, but the freedom you are given makes up for it in my book. And if you are looking for a slight challenge, there are three minigames that test your prowess of music, but those are just minor add-ons I hate.

The bad: Obviously as a game critic, I need to find some negative points.
There are some minor instrument recognition issues, but nothing to big.
some songs aren't really played that well in the first place.
Character customization goes about as far as you'r Mii, but it's still better than rockband's because I can get my character to look like someone I would like him to look like, and not a bum with ripped jeans.
Once again "Kingdom hearts syndrome" shows us it's ugly head with lengthy tutorial sections, which slow down the songs for key points, so its kinda hard to play it perfectly (but luckily, you are not constrained by that.)

So Cloudkirby, you cool composer you, is this a good game.
It's fun. a game I will be enjoying for more days to come, what with the amount of customization available. This is the same thing that happened to Psyconauts, everyone should at least give this game a try before final judgement. I mean hey, I liked Wii Music and I'm an insta-gratification gamer. If I like it, it can't be THAT bad.

This is another review in "Games that are better than...'"ya know what, I'm gonna drop that phrase, Its getting old.