This a great game if you dont look at it like a game

User Rating: 9 | Wii Music WII
before you even think about playing this game you must realize that this is not a game it is a music simulation that it just meant to be picked up play a couple fast songs and sat back down. there is no story and no levels you just play songs you cant fail even if you try to so this will appeal to those who are not quite as good at games like the hardcore gamers. this is a multi-player game even though you can play by yourself it is just not as fun. there are 3 modes jam mode, minigames and mii mistro. my favorite part of this game is the amout of custombility to the songs you play a song with whatever instrument you want you can make ode to joy a rock opera if you want to. basically if are enterained by the simple things then this game for you..hardcore gamers beware. this is really fun game just do not expect to much out of it