For what it is,"Where's Waldo?" does well, but do you find scanning pictures entertaining?

User Rating: 6 | Where's Waldo? The Fantastic Journey DS
Where's Waldo? is exactly what you would expect, and is basically a digital book. In this e-book, you must search a scene to find Waldo, Wenda, and Wizard Whitebeard. After locating the trio, you must then find specified characters and objects. To help you, you are restricted to a smaller area to search through, instead of searching the entire scene. Although not obligitory, you may also find bones which can be given to Waldo's dog Woof; to help point you in the right direction, and locates the exact screen that the object is hidden in.
There are a couple of variations to the game. Woof's Spot The Difference shows two pictures on both screens, and you have to touch where the differences are. Wanda's Photo Find has you searching the scene to find the area the photo was taken. Oddlaw has a similar game to Waldo, but you have to find creatures in Oddlaw's black and yellow colours.
The graphics are nicely drawn, and there are some parts that have basic animations to give life to the scenes. However, some objects, particularly in the Oddlaw levels, are very small and tend to blend in to the scene.
There seems plenty of levels to do, but the game never captured my attention for more than 15 mins. For what it is, Where's Waldo? does it well, but it all depends on whether scanning pictures to find objects entertains you.