Wheelman is built around a good concept, but is hurt by a poor story and mediocre missions. Disappointing.

User Rating: 6.5 | Wheelman X360
Wheelman is an open world action title where the focus is not on shooting (as is the case for most games of this genre) but on driving. Milo is a gifted Wheelman; in-game car handling is great, and he has a number of (Hollywood styled) special moves at his disposal that let him use the car he's driving as a weapon.

Unfortunately however the story is pretty weak (which is surprising given Vin Diesel's pedigree), and so there is little narrative motivation to play through the samey story missions or the limited selection of side missions. I usually hate using the word "repetitive" to describe a game since it can be applied to almost any title, but with Wheelman it is definitely appropriate. Sure most games have you doing a similar set of actions for the length of the experience, but with good games you'll be entertained throughout. With Wheelman unfortunately, you'll need some No-Doze to get through the latter stages of the game.

Wheelman does have some positive characteristics. The game is substantial in size (if you can motivate yourself to play through it in its entirety), the graphics are decent, and as mentioned previously, the car handling is great. The 360 version supports custom soundtracks, so having your own play list can go some ways to warding off boredom. It's not a title I would recommend, but it may be worth checking out if you're looking for some easy achievement points and the game is bargain basement cheap.