A Fun Quick Revenge Tale Woven With Elements of Tarantino Films and References To B-Movie Films, Gameplay Is Simple

User Rating: 6.5 | Wet X360
Wet, as its obviously known means wet-work or being involved in murder for hire. You play Rubi Malone, a gun for hire who embarks across the continents killing for a fair price, as long as payment is ready. You battle hardened gangsters and the heads of criminal syndicates, with an array of weapons and skills including Matrix-like running along walls, sliding across the ground and shooting in slo-motion.

At the end of every mission, you can upgrade these skills or weapons. Making your slo-mo ability's duration longer or make your double sawn-off shotguns stronger and more deadly. Regarding game play, the shooting mechanics are simple to understand and enjoy, firing double pistols or shotguns as you slide along the floor, one gun on one enemy and the other trained on another. To do this is quite simple, so it doesn't feel complicated or hinder your enjoyment.

Every mission and task feels like a hollywood B-Movie moment, from leaping from car to car whilst shooting on a high way to get to your target to swinging from a pole whilst littering tens of enemies around you with ease.
But thats what Wet is about, mad-cap action and simplicity. Its not complicated to most gamers.
Graphics may seem dated, but upon its release it was quite recent graphics and also the graphics represent the old 70's movies, with film scratched effect entwined with a 70's soundtrack.

The Good:
- Simplistic gameplay and action.
- A simple story, that is quite reminiscent of a 70's B-Movie.
- Great Hollywood movie moments, from leaping from cars on a high way to shooting hundreds of enemies in a playground.
- Weapons are simple, but enjoyable.
- New moves and upgrades push you to get higher scores to upgrade.

The Bad:
- Too short.
- Some environment issues that hinder your abilities to run up walls and more.
- Visuals are dated.

Wet, I found for £5 in a local game exchange and it was well worth it. Find it in your bargain bin someplace. Its a fun but cheap play.