Fun but can get repetitive after a while

User Rating: 7 | Wet PS3
WET is a fun game to play, especially if you like to take down a lot of baddies. Wallruning, sliding and jumping in slow mo while taking down number of enemies is great fun. There are a number of weapons and skills you will be using many of which you will get as upgrades, but there are so many guys to take on that you might feel limited at times.

Experience is awarded as style so the more stylish you play the more goodies you get by investing experience in upgrades. The sword is a fun addition, but slashing doesn't feel as good as it could have been. Presentation is the best part of WET, both visual and audio with bring a unique game experience.

Story and characters are done well and you might see some unexpected turn of events, but feels a bit short as a whole when finished. The soundtrack features some wacky tunes, and some levels like the car chases are brilliant, but the game isn't very polished overall. Still its a fun game to play.