Wet has some nice action scenes, though due to high difficulty and some inconsistent accuracy, it is tough to get into.

User Rating: 7 | Wet X360
Welcome To Wet:

Wet is simple: Place a girl with a name that matches her hair color, give her more action moves than Lara Croft of Tomb Raider, and give her a katana sword to make her the ultimate female character seen so far this generation. The story in this game wont blow you away, and maybe not even the gameplay, but if Wet does achieve anything, it is some serious gore, as well as some nice firefights against large groups of enemies. You may wonder if more time had been spent on it, could it have been one of the better action games? Yes, I believe so, because while Wet is in no way perfect, it gives a fresh look on a genre starving for a piece of action. (No pun intended)


The action is nice in this game. You can jump into the air and fire your weapon, triggering a nice slow-mo scene where you can put a few rounds into as many enemies as possible. It is an interesting feature, though we have seen it before in prior action games. One major problem with it, is that you have to rely on it for most of the game. Shooting while running can be difficult to control, and you could find yourself dead in a heartbeat. Sliding is also an alternative to jumping around, though the same idea is present. These moves are just too heavily relied upon in a game that could have so much more.

You also have a katana sword at your disposal, and in close quarters, it is definitely recommended. In a wide open area, your katana is useless, so inspect each area upon arrival, so you don't find yourself with no ammo at all, in a place with three spawn doors, and tons of enemies pouring out. Spawn doors are featured in this game as part as arenas, and pose some challenge to an already difficult game. You close spawn doors by destroying the panels above them. This can be done with your sword or pistols, and is almost always recommended with your guns. You have other moves at your disposal, and fans of any Tomb Raider game may have some deja vu.


This game overall can be very exciting, although that doesn't say much about how it sounds. Guns all seem to sound similar, if not the exact same, and the voice acting other than Rubi is mediocre. I almost wonder if this game would have been better taking the approach of Mirror's Edge, but that is just pure speculation there. The music is very nice to have with the pace of the game, so you will always feel the urge to start firing your weapon.


The plot itself is not very interesting at all, and one can feel like they have seen this before in a movie or game. The game's cinematic look does remind me of Grindhouse a bit, and that can go with the action quite nicely. Unfortunately, there are just too many tiny technical flaws, especially during cutscenes, tha can really bring it down a notch.


The graphics are okay, but are not necessarily bad. They try to demonstrate the gore and violence with a very unique art style. With this really being the first time I have seen graphics like these, I really can't compare it or give an opinion on it. They are what they are, and despite some rough edges, choppiness, and texture popping, they look nice at times. The whole game itself has the classic grain effect of old movies, particularly grindhouse style. It sets the tone, especially since you are a hard-nosed assassin who is hell bent on explosive action.


The game itself can be really fun. Wet offers a different kind of style that is not seen too often. It all works well, assuming you are okay with some annoyances in the formula. The accuracy of your shots, despite perfect aiming, still seems off, especially when you are unloading on an enemy's forehead. If there was some real pinpoint accuracy, then this would not be so much of issue, if at all for that matter. Also, the health system for you isn't particularly accurate either. You can take a few shots in the first half of your health, and then it seems even though you have half of your health, it only takes a bullet to take you out. I am all for realism, but when this is on the easier, as well as normal, difficulties, it just feels off and could have used some touch ups. The game itself just doesn't have enough to warrant more replay value.


There is a fun action game to be had here. Fans of the Lara Croft games will be pleased, and can enjoy this since there are few female heroins out there. Rubi Malone is an original character, and breathes some fresh air into a starving genre. The many slow-mo scenes, fun sword slicing, and gory blood effects make a nice package here. While the sometimes absurd difficulty can get in the way at times, if you really want an action package, Wet is a nice choice, though there is still better. The different features though are what set Wet apart from other action/3rd person shooters. Technical flaws may hamper the experience, but nonetheless, Wet can be a satisfying experience to enjoy.

Gameplay Score: 8/10
Sound Score: 6.5/10
Story Score: 6/10
Graphics Score: 7/10
Presentation Score: 7/10
Overall Score: 7/10
Replay Value: Low