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User Rating: 5 | Wet PS3
Wet has its pros and cons just like any game but for me it feels like there is more cons and pros and it can be rather irritating at times.

The Good: The game over all has a great look to it.

While playing it has a scratch to the film like your watching an old Grindhouse movie which is a great effect and if you dont like it they give you an option in the settings to turn it off. The voice acting is spot on and go along great, no cheesy-ness there. Sound effects are so-so, Rubi's guns sound great and very life like but the enemies sound like a cap gun going off in the next room. Rubi does a combo of gun fighting and acrobatics at the same time which is eye pleasing but thats about it, it can help your life depleat faster if don't do it right.

The camera angles are great and move along with the character swimmingly but can hinder you at times but only a little. The game has a slow-mo setting to it so when you make Rubi slid or dive through the air and aim at an enemy everything slows down and it allows you better shots on the enemies for faster killing. Rubi has duel everything, every weapon she gets comes in a pair which is a plus and some times needed to get through a level. When in Slo-mo mode she automatically aims at one target and you can manually aim at another so if your a bad shot at the begining at least the auto aim will take someone down.

The Bad: This game is very, very frustrating at times.

You cannot lock onto an enemy easily when just running around which can be a pain at times so to lock on you have to go into slow-mo otherwise your going to die rather quickly. The game is so sensitive to what your doing that if you dont jump at the right moment you fall, which happens a lot, and you have to start all over again. Instead of auto correcting you so you say jump on a latter across a gap it lets you run into the wall and fall or just fall all together.

Starting over again is one of my pet-peves in this game, instead of starting you off where you died it makes you do the whole part you just did over again which is another frustrating part of the game. Nine times out of ten you have to go through a few different areas until the game auto saves and if you die in between well your sh*t out of luck. The controls are great but at times they are kind of off, jumping is one of the main controls you have to use in the game but when you come up to a gap in the level you have to jump over and you dont do it just exactly right you fall short. The same goes with pole jumping, once you land on a poll and Rubi starts to spin around it if you dont hit the jump button immediatly after she grabs it you have to spin around one more time and hit the button again before she will jump which ends up hurting you in the long run because all of the enemies below are shooting you up.

When in a closed off room the game doesnt give you any hints what so ever, you have to pretty much figure it out yourself which is annoying because you could be shooting up the main boss in the room but it doesnt seem to hurt him and you have no way of restoring your health. The first major batter between this guy with a gatling gun I had to do it four or five times because I couldnt figure out what to do and more than once I've just turned the game off because it frustrated me so much I wanted to break the disc to save me the headache.

I could go on and on about how this game frustrates me but I wont, if you want to waste your money go right a head and buy this game, just prepare yourself for a headache after the first level because it will end up frustrating you until no end.

I give wet a low 4 out of 10