A solid action shooter

User Rating: 8 | Wet X360
WET is an action shooter from developer A2M. You've probably haven't heard of them, since they develop those family-friendly games for the DS: games that are probably not fun to develop (at least I wouldn't think so). However, they finally got their M-rated kick with WET, a fun little action game that will keep you entertained for a long while.

Gameplay: WET's gameplay is best described as a combination of two games: Stranglehold and the Prince of Persia Sands of Time trilogy games. Now, this actually funner than it sounds. The game's protagonist, a mercenary named Rubi, dual-wields a variety of firearms as she dives, slides, wall-runs and pole swings. The game's combat operates around a mechanic called "Acrobatic Slow-Mo," and while you are engaging in one of the above-said acrobatic moves, the games slows down, allowing you take out enemies in a 360 degree arc (where applicable). Since she dual-wields, Rubi usually targets one enemy automatically with one hand, allowing you to control her other. The whole package is polished, and while the collision detection could have been better refined, the games makes you feel like a expert assassin. She also wields a sword, which unfortunately only has a 3-slash combo (although you can use it on walls when you get the upgrade).

There are also few highway chase segments, which are some the coolest looking things ever. You'll jump around cars and trucks as they explode by you, defying death at every turn. Too bad there are so few of these.

Graphics: The graphics have been described as "lackluster." Now, they're no Red Dead Redemption graphics, but they work perfectly well for the game, and the game's environment's are actually quite detailed. The game's theme is highly reminiscent of "grindhouse," (think of Tarantino's Kill Bill), and as such comes with an optional film-grain filter.

Sound: According to the back of the box, the game features an "original 70's inspired soundtrack." The music is just as described, and is quite good. Most of the tunes are catchy and well-composed, and you'll probably find them singing their hooks long after you play the game. The sound effects are acceptable, though the gunshots seem a little muted, and lack the "power" you'd expect.

Story: The game's story is pretty weak, as you're doing a variety of "who-cares" missions for different people. Even the last level, and the ending, is not really satisfactory. There is one scene, though, that I have to rate as one of the funniest I've seen. (I won't spoil it, but it involves her, a bathtub, and a midget.)

Re-playability: The game is organized into missions, and there only a dozen or so of them, so an average gamer could beat in maybe 6-8 hours. The game features no online mode, but it has four difficulty levels, plus a special mode called "Golden Bullets," which is really fun to play once you unlock it (basically, it's a one-hit-kill mode). There are also the "Boneyard Challenges" which have a variety of gun-wielding challenges for you to complete.

All in all, WET is a solid game, and has a fun and unique combat mechanic. It never feels overused, and I find myself popping the game back in from time to time. If you've enjoyed such games as Devil May Cry or God of War, give WET a try.