Was this game 8.0 worthy, or do I just have a crush on Rubi?

User Rating: 8 | Wet X360
I decided to rent this game because it got decent reviews and seemed great for a guy who dosn't have xbox live, and it was.

Hits: I felt like I was watching an interactive (I hate to say it) Quentin Tarantino movie. I only regret using Tarantino's name because so many others have compared this game to his work. This game reminds us that next-gen games don't always have to shoot for realism. The gun totting Rubi is charming, which is funny when you realize her constant use of profanity. You see this tough yet beautiful heroine killing ridiculously numerous enemies with acrobatic maneuvers and a combination of sword/gun play. The absurd action scenes and laughable antics bring you back to the old days when movies didn't have to be realistic either.

Misses: The biggest frustration is the camera. This flaw can force you to repeat obstacle courses and, once or twice, reduces the game to a frustrating bout of trial and error. Aside from that, the games mechanics will occasionally misfire; your grip will miss the ledge or poll your jumping for, etc... These flaws aren't as severe as I might make them sound, and are easily overlooked.
Other than that, the game is way too short. The end is good, but your dissapointed to see the game end so soon and you're left wanting more.

Graphics: The graphics are a bit dated, but are good enough to make the game flow well enough. I liked the film scratch idea, gave it a 70's touch.

Controls: The games control system has a bit of a learing curve, but you get the hang of it quickly enough.

Bottom Line: I wouldn't say this game is worth 60 bones, but it is a definite rent-worthy title. Don't buy it unless it's in your bargain bin, it's great but far too short. Ta ta.