Fantastic fun and humor held back only by its length.

User Rating: 8.5 | Minna Daisuki Katamari Damacy PS2
Now I also played and beat the first Katamari game so I was more than excited to run out and buy this game opening week. I picked it up for $40 (canadian) and went home to play it. 4-5 short hours pass and the credits start to roll. I was shocked at how incredibly short this game was. Dont get me wrong though... every colourful japanese second was euphoric.

If you are unfamiliar with the series, the concept is simple. You are the prince of all the cosmos and your father has destroyed all the stars and planets and you have to roll a katamari ball around and make stuff stick to it thats smaller than your ball is and have your father turn it into a suitable star/planet. The cool part of the game is that as you gather stuff on the ball it gets bigger and you can pick up bigger things in return (and thats where tha mgic of the game is)

this game just plain rocks. Your not just limited to rolling the katamari ball. but you can roll around a sumo wrestler and have him eat stuff so he's fatter than his opponent or roll a snow ball so its a good size for the head of a snow man.

Let me tell you something, there is nothing like the feeling you get when you first roll up that damn cat that was bumping you all around town and seeing it squirm on you katamari - or - rolling up your first sky scraper or a godzilla looking creature. It gets to a point where you can roll up volcanoes and even the clouds. Its hilarious.

The music is a whole other store. Its so quirky and bizzar. It takes a special type of person to write whatever "music" it is that plays over the levels. But again, its awesome, the music fits more than perfectly.

Overall between the cost I bought this at and the length of the game... I wish I just rented it and called it quits after that. But At least now I own it and its for sure much cheaper than when I bought it. So I recomend giving it a rent and trying the other games in the series. If you see it for $15 or less... hell just buy it.

What a wild and crazy trip!