This game isn't very good, yet it's so ridiculously fun in multiplayer that it doesn't matter.

User Rating: 7.1 | WCW vs. nWo: World Tour N64
This game isn't very good, yet it's so ridiculously fun in multiplayer that it doesn't matter. It's so absurd, in fact, that I don't care if I abandon the first-person rule and say 'I' in this review. WCW vs NWO is completely insane. Now, I'll be the first to admit I know very little about wrestling - sure, I could identify (and laugh at) Ric Flair, Eric Bischoff, Sting, Hogan (of course), and others, but I don't watch it and I think it's pretty stupid. 'Pretty stupid' describes this game perfectly, but that's why it's so much fun. The graphics and sound are bad, so let's not focus on them. The AI is also terrible, so we'll skip it too and it won't matter anyway if you're playing multiplayer.. Sometimes your button presses don't register quite right, although I believe the Gamespot review makes a huge deal out of it - it's not a big deal, and you won't really notice. All right. So what redeeming feature does WCW vs NWO have? Well, it's arguably THE most crazy fun four people can have with an N64. You can cram four players into the ring and have them beat each other up. Grab players from behind. Double team them and then sneak back and betray your previous ally with a solid clothesline to the back of the head. You can throw players out of the ring, into the ring, whatever. Even once you've been booted out for submitting or being tagged or knocked out, you can run around the ring and grab people's ankles, either tripping them or dragging them out, where you can proceed to beat the crap out of them with chairs or bats and then send them back in for an easy tag. You have moves that often hurt you more than they hurt your opponents, and climbing on the turnbuckle is merely asking for people to run away and you to faceplant on the ground when you jump. It's complete and utter mayhem. Someone will hit you when you're hitting someone else, and then they'll be whacked from behind by someone else, who in turn will get theirs from one of the other players climbing back up. The game is bad, no doubt, but what it lacks in pretty much every area, it more than makes up for in fun factor. If you want to play it by yourself, don't bother, but if you're going to play it multiplayer, there aren't many games on the N64 that are as crazy, crazy fun.