Veterans of Wave Race 64 bring your milk shakes to the yard!

User Rating: 9.3 | Wave Race: Blue Storm GC
Let me give you some history of wave race. When i was 15 i got my first job and when i recieved my first paycheck of $200 I went out and bought a N64 and Wave Race 64. I played that game for years! I loved it! No one could beat me. Even if you think you could have beaten me, believe me, you couldn't win against me. I would have rang the school bell and took you out to the flag pole and beat your ass.

This game was a classic. Nothing could replace its classicness. Sadly when i sold my N64 years later wave race 64 went with it. Now finally, not sure why i waited so long, I got my copy of Wave Race Blue Storm. I picked it up for 10 bucks. I've seen all the video's and reviews on gamespot so i knew exactly what i was getting myself into.

I love the game. I find it a little easier than the N64 brother. But maybe its just like riding a bike and I'm remembering my mad skills.

I still have yet to beat the game on expert. I got the game yesterday. Hopefully when i win that it will open a reverse hard mode. That was extrememly tuff and fun on wave race 64.

They kept the same water physics from the original and thew in some new tricks.

The game now allows 4players instead of 2! Beautifull!!!

You can choose from 8 characters. Each character has its unique style of riding and feel. Crisp!!!

Its funny. The years on the game when it loads are 1996 (When the original was released) and 2001. I'm playing a game that was released 5 years ago and it still looks, feels, sounds, and plays great!

All i got to say is.... If you were addicted to Wave Race 64 more than your mountainn dew than run out and find your copy of Blue Storm!