The Wave Racers are back once again

User Rating: 8.6 | Wave Race: Blue Storm GC
Wave Race Blue Storm is the Game Cube's version of the Wave Race game from the original Nintendo 64. The game boasts a much better system or graphics and controls over the original game. The most challenging part about this game I would have to way would definately be the controls of the game as this is a racing game: on water. Controlling a fast moving craft on water is very different from toying with a car or any other type of a vehicle. This game had included a brand new turbo button which is accumulated by negotiating through bouys. There are also many new tricks and other controls that players can also pull off with the use of their watercrafts. The game itself boasts many different modes within itself that do give it quite a bit of replayability for anyone who is interested in the game. Physics also plays a pretty decent role within this game as the waves are very realistic and the game does its best to mimic a lot of the characteristics that are generally found in real waves.