Awesome N64 game for the VC!

User Rating: 8.5 | Wave Race 64: Kawasaki Jet Ski (Rumble Pak Version) N64
At first when I heard of a jet ski game on the VC, I thought it would be stupid. Then, I heard how people really liked it, so I gave it a try.

Gameplay: The gamplay is amazing. It is a fun racing game that isn't too hard, but is challenging. It has the best water effects on any watercraft game on any system up to date.

Graphics: For N64, they are pretty good. I really liked how the water was very detailed. The racers were sometimes blocky, but that didn't effect on how fun the game was.

Sound: The actual jet skis sound somewhat realistic. I also liked how the waves had unique sounds that didn't seem to repeat themselves.

Final Thoughts: This is a great game that is worth 1000 Wii points. Really, the only major downside is that it is short, and could've had more racers to choose from. Other than that, I highly recommend it for any racing/watercraft fans.

Final rating: 8.7