If you are not playing Watch Dogs, you should be.

User Rating: 10 | Watch Dogs PC
Seriously, this is a true masterpiece. I own this title on PC and Xbox One, and I mean to tell you the game-play will keep you focused. There is so much to do, beating down criminals with a "black jack".....invading Gang Hideouts and cleaning them up, the fixer contracts are a BLAST! You can listen to some really good music while you are driving like a madman. When the police get after you, man, I tell you when you give them the slip you are like "Hell Yeah" It's "True Open" world. You can do what you want to do when you want to... Some games claim to be open world, but the mechanics of the game-play really take it to the extra notch! The little things like when you are chasing a "real person" because he is hacking into your smart phone and you watch the meter make its way to the 100% mark, you're heart starts racing and you think..... ":Where is this MOTHER!@!!!"... Trust me, ignore the negative remarks about Watch Dog and let the game speak for itself!!! Just a side note to gamespot....."Please stop giving game such low ratings".... You are impacting sales and it's not fair to the company that are developing these kick ass games. You are hurting the industry and shooting yourself in the foot!". "SUPPORT ALL GAMES TO KEEP THE INDUSTRY STRONG!"....