A refreshing twist of an idea. WarTech brings a breath of fresh air to both the 2D fighting and shooter genres.

User Rating: 8.9 | Senko No Ronde Rev.X X360
WarTech: Senko no Ronde brings a breath of fresh air to both the 2D fighting and shooter generes. It plays very much like a 2-D version of Virtu-On or if you haven't played that it's R-Type meets Streetfighter. You take control of your mecha and battle in traditional 2D shooter style against another opponent. Each mech has a B.O.S.S mode (not original but appropriately named) that enhances you mecha to play like a 2D shooter boss. The graphics are beautiful and the Special effects are great, and the game is very easy to pick up and play from the get go. People who normally don't play fighting games but love shooters should give this a try. While it is very easy to pick up and play for someone who is a beginner to video games, it has a lot of depth for the hardcore gamers as well. People familiar with the 2D shooters will be able to associate moves to techniques that they have used to play those types of games, while players familiar with the 2D fighting games will come to recognize the combos they can use to set people up. It took me a while to learn a few of the more advanced combos but they are there and they have some awsome effects, don't let the surface of the game fool you, my entire group of friends were floored by some of the cool combo moves you could do.

The game followed an art style and it shows, it looks good. Wether your a fan of the style or not it was very nicely executed. All in all it is a great game that you won't be disappointed in if you give it the chance.