A great game that all DW fans and SW fans should get and it's just plain fun smashing people and its worth the wait.

User Rating: 10 | Musou Orochi PS2
WO (Warriors Orochi) is a great game that all Dynasty Warriors fans and Samurai Warriors fans should get it's absolutely terrific and gets a perfect 10/10 from me and Gamespot may think it's boring and pathetic but don't listen to them because everyone else thinks the game absolutely ROCKS! And shall never stop rocking with it rocking awesomeness

So get out to your local game shop and start looking everywhere for it and sooner or later you will have it in your PS2 playing it non-stop. Invite your friends over for some game play and show them how the story works, but of course don't tell them the ending okay? Oh and I'll give you a hint: Don't get it scratched he he he...

But still it's a great game and don't get put off by Gamespot or any other gaming site that says it bad or terrible because they're wrong.