My review and amazing score for this game is based on comparing it to the rest of the series. With that said its amazing

User Rating: 9 | Warriors Orochi 2 X360
Look, I know these games suck ok? So what.

Mindless Hack and Slash games are all the same. You run into some guys, you kill guys, you move on. Koei has been making pretty much the same 2 games (dynasty, Samurai) for years. Really they should radically alter the formula but meh...

Warriors Orochi 2 offers up EVERY character from those two series of games. Your bound to find at least a few characters you can stand to look at for a few hours while you run through the story modes to unlock everyone else.

Im not even really gonna bother with graphics and sound. It looks and sounds like a Dynasty games.

But the game really works by letting you change your party. Looking at Lu BU for 30 mins while you finish a lvl sucks but being able to use 2 other characters is awesome. The skill system, while a lil messy, works pretty well also. It more or less forces you to use different characters to upgrade skills. While that might sound liek a hassle, its actually quite easy. You can learn all of a characters skills in like 10 mins. But in using them you might discover you like using someone a lot.

The games actually kinda easy. Playing through the story mode the first time through on CHAOS might be a bit much, but after you unlock a few key characters (Sun Wukong) the games pretty easy.

Honestly Id like to see some new IP. Ive played every Warriors game and Im ready for some new faces. But if your a fan of the series Warriors Orochi 2 is definitely the cream of the crop.

PS It was nice of Koei to represent Sun Wukong int he game as SUN WUKONG and not Son Goku. He's without a doubt the best character in the game as well he should be :D