WarioWare: Smooth Moves is just as insane as the ones before it.

User Rating: 8 | WarioWare: Smooth Moves WII
Story - N/A
Gameplay - 9/10
Graphics - 8/10
Sound - 9/10
Value - 4/10

Wario's back, and is just as random and crazy as ever! Basically, the game plays out similarly to its predecessors, only this time you've got the power of the Wiimote at your disposal. Basically, for those of you not familiar with the series, you pick a random character whose minigames are themed around something, you watch a random cut-scene, then you play dozens of that person's 3-10 second "microgames". When you lose a microgame, you lose a life, and if you lose all 4 of your lives, its game over. The first time you select a character, you're trying to reach their "boss microgame", which usually involves beating around 15 microgames. Doing so will unlock more people that you must defeat. Afterwards, you can return to people and try getting high scores or unlocking the rest of that person's microgames.

Sound bizarre? Well it should. It seems like the games goal is to make you laugh or confused. There's just so much randomness to it all. One game you gotta insert dentures into a grandma's mouth, another involves putting the Wiimote on your head and doing squats, a bunch involve holding the Wiimote on your nose like an elephant trunk, and one game even involves a full 5-minute dance-off. It's just an absolutely crazy game that you have to experience for yourself to see just how fun it is.

However, the one major downfall with the game is that it's very short, especially for a console game. The main storymode will last you... maybe 4 hours? And then there's some other things to unlock and such, but it's not a very lengthy experience. I remember in the GBA and DS versions that you could go to each individual microgame and try to get a high score in each of them, and there was an objective and if you reached that objective you'd get a medal, and getting medals in all 200 microgames would unlock something cool. But there's none of that in this game, no trying to get scores on the individual microgames, which is what kept the other games going up towards the 20 hour mark. So basically, the game will last you... maybe 10 hours to unlock all of the minigames, and there's some multiplayer to mess around with but it didn't look very deep or like something you could get hooked on.

Overall though, WarioWare is a quirky and humorous game that's sure to keep a smile on your face from start to finish. While its lack of length could make you question whether it's worth the purchase or not, definitely at least give it a rental. Definitely a fun experience that shouldn't be missed.