Wario Ware Inc. : Mega MicroGame$ is the best game I own! With 200 microgame$ you will be addicted!

User Rating: 9.2 | Wario Ware, Inc: Minigame Mania GBA
When you think of "Wario Ware Inc. : Mega MicroGame$" I bet you think that it's just a Mario Party with Wario as the main character. If you think that, you are so so so wrong! The game is fabulous. (This is my first review, so sorry if I go off topic or something.) The game is pretty basic. You go through a series of 2-D minigames (so called "Mega MicroGame$') untill you reach the end boss minigame. But here's the trick. After a certain amount of minigames it will say SPEED UP in between minigames. This indicates that the games are a bit faster. Once you play a minigame it will be unlocked in a mode called "Grid". Grid lets you play one minigame over and over again to get a high score. One thing that I know you will love is its simplicity, anyone can pick it up and play! There are also Mega minigames that are endless. There is no end. You just keep on playing until you lose. This a very good game but the games are 2-D and are a bit repetitive if you have played all the minigames. I give the game a 9.6 .