Strange Graphics, Strange Mini-Games and an Awesome Game

User Rating: 9.3 | Wario Ware, Inc: Minigame Mania GBA
Wario Ware is a collection of about 100 Mini-Games that are 5 seconds long, the game is basiclly simple, and to beat the Mini-Games you only have to press a button or control something, the idea is awesome and really orinal, which is something hard to find nowadays, and that's what makes this game so special.

When playing the game, you will be challenged by one of the game's characters, so you will have to beat a certain number of Mini-Games to advance. All Mini-Games have 3 different difficultie levels, and as you beat them their speed will increase and you will have less time to perform the actions, which can be parking a car, beating some ninjas, counting, finishing a puzzle, stoping a wagon at a station snd so on. When you don't manage to beat a Mini-Game you will lose a life, you have 4 in total, but after beating some of them a Boss will appear and if you finish him you will win an extra life.

All Mini-Games have great sense of humor and are really strange, they aren't alike Mario Party's. The game presents lots of unlockables and it also allown you to play each Mini-Game separatedly. All records are kept, you will probably play it lots of times to improve your scores.

The graphics and the sound have some problems, both seem to be from a prior system with a weaker hardware, but they fit the creepiness of the game perfectly.

Wario Ware is a must buy for every GBA owner, you will play it a lot and have lots of fun, Nintendo once again shows that you can't underestimate them even when their ideas sound awful.